how to get free 3d glasses at Glasses-Free 3DTV: your source for 3DTV News and Reviews

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Where To Get Free 3D Glasses

free 3d glasses
I thought I’d do some research and find out where to get free 3D glasses for you. If you are looking to get free ones online, then there are a couple sites you can contact:

These guys seem to have the monopoly on free stuff, and from the looks of it can hook you up with a few pairs of those paper disposable 3D glasses.

These folks also have a huge selection of 3D glasses, and claim to be able to send you some for the cost of shipping and handling.

And for more options to get glasses sent to you from an online source, check out this site.

In the case of a situation where a network is airing a 3D broadcast, they generally make a deal with a big box chain store (like a grocery chain) in order to provide the glasses from their locations. When that happens, we will be posting the locations where free 3D glasses can be obtained, as situations arise.

Posted: February 26th, 2010
at 8:18pm by admin

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Categories: 3D Glasses

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